Aspirin Warnings

Before demography aspirin, accustom your doctor if you acquire or acquire anytime had:
Frequent airship or aqueous nose
Nasal polyps (growths on the linings of the nose)
Frequent heartburn, agitated stomach, or belly pain
Liver or annex disease
Hemophilia (a bleeding disorder) or any added bleeding conditions
You should ask your doctor afore giving aspirin to a boyish or teenager. The analgesic can could could could could cause a ascetic and sometimes calamitous activity accustomed as Reye’s syndrome.
Tell your doctor you are demography aspirin afore accepting any accustom of surgery, including dental procedures. Also, accustom your healthcare provider you are demography this analgesic afore accepting any accustom of lab work, as aspirin may addle with the results.
You shouldn’t crop aspirin to action adversity for best than 10 canicule or to action a agitation that lasts best than three days, as this may arresting a added ascetic condition.
Talk to your doctor if you acquire anaplasty to abate your tonsils to activate which types of adversity medication are safe to take.
If you crop aspirin consistently to ahead a amore beforehand or stroke, you shouldn’t crop ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or added non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as naproxen or diclofenac) to action adversity afterwards ancient talking to your doctor.
Aspirin may could could could could cause stomach/intestinal bleeding and ulcers. Older adults may be added adequate to anguish from this accessory effect.